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![]() by Lorne Bailey <sherm_pbody(at)yahoo.com> About the author: Lorne lives in Chicago and works as a computer consultant specializing in getting data in and out of Oracle databases. Since making the switch to programming exclusively in a *nix environment, Lorne has completely avoided 'DLL Hell'. He is currently working on his Master's Degree in Computer Science. Content: |
This article assumes you know the basics of the C language, and will introduce you to using gcc as a compiler. We will make sure that you can invoke the compiler from the command line on simple C source code. Then we take a quick look at what's actually happening and how you can control the compilation of your programs. We also take a very brief look at using a debugger.
Can you imagine compiling Free software with a closed source, proprietary
compiler? How do you know what's going into your executable? There could
be any kind of back door or Trojan. Ken Thompson, in one of the great
hacks of all time, wrote a compiler that left a back door in the
'login' program and perpetuated the trojan when the compiler realized it was
compiling itself. Read his description of this all time classic
Luckily, we have gcc.
Whenever you do a configure; make; make install
gcc does a lot of heavy lifting behind the scenes.
How do we make gcc work for us?
We will start writing a card game, but we will only write as much as
we need to to demonstrate the compiler's functionality.
Since we're starting from scratch, it takes an
understanding of the compile process to know what needs to be done to
make an executable and in what order. We will look at the
general overview of how a C program gets
compiled and the options that make gcc do what we want it to do.
The steps (and the tools that do them) are Pre-compile (gcc -E), Compile (gcc), Assembly (as), and Link (ld).
First though, we should know how to invoke the compiler in the first place. It's simple, actually. We will start with the all time classic first C program. (Old-timers will have to forgive me).
#include <stdio.h> int main()
{ printf("Hello World!\n"); }
Save this file as game.c
. You can compile it on the command
line by running:
gcc game.cBy default, the C compiler creates an executable named
You can run it by typing:
a.out Hello WorldEvery time you compile a program, the new
will overwrite the previous program. You will
not be able to tell which program created the current a.out
We can solve this problem
by telling gcc what we want to name the executable with the -o
switch. We'll call this program game
, though we could
name it anything we want since C doesn't have the naming restrictions that Java
gcc -o game game.c
game Hello World
At this point, we're pretty far from having a useful program. If you think that's a bad thing, you might want to consider the fact that we have a program that compiles and runs. As we add functionality little by little to this program, we want to make sure that we keep it runnable. It seems that every beginning programmer wants to write 1,000 line of source code and then fix it all at once. No one, I mean no one, can do that. You make a little program that runs,you make changes. and make it run again. This limits the errors you have to correct at one time. Plus, you know exactly what you just did that doesn't work, so you know where to concentrate. This keeps you from creating something that you think should work, and maybe even compiles, but can never become an executable. Remember, just because it compiles doesn't mean it's correct.
Our next step is to create a header file for our game. A header file concentrates data types and function declarations in one place. This ensures the data structures are consistently defined so that every part of our program sees everything exactly the same way.
#ifndef DECK_H #define DECK_H #define DECKSIZE 52 typedef struct deck_t { int card[DECKSIZE]; /* number of cards used */ int dealt; }deck_t; #endif /* DECK_H */
Save this file as deck.h
. Only .c
files compile,
so we have to change our game.c. On line 2 of game.c, write
#include "deck.h"
. On line 5, write deck_t
To make sure we didn't break anything,
compile it again.
gcc -o game game.c
No errors, no problem. If it doesn't compile for you, work on it until it does.
How does the compiler know what a
type is? Because during pre-compilation, it actually copies
the "deck.h" file into the "game.c" file.
The precompiler directives in the source code itself are prefixed by a "#".
You can invoke the precompiler through the gcc
frontend with the -E
gcc -E -o game_precompile.txt game.c wc -l game_precompile.txt 3199 game_precompile.txtAlmost 3,200 lines of output! Most of this comes from the
include file, but if you look at it, our declarations
are in there, too. If you don't give an output file name with
the -o
switch, it writes to the console. The process of
pre-compilation gives greater flexibility in the code by
accomplishing three major objectives.
switch by itself, but let it pass it's output to the compiler.
As an intermediate step, gcc translates your code into Assembly language. Do do this, it must figure out what you intended to do by parsing through your code. If you make a syntax error, it will tell you so and the compile will fail. People sometimes mistake this one step for the entire process. But there's a lot more work left for gcc to do.
turns the Assembly code into object code.
Object code can't actually run on the CPU, but it's pretty close.
The compiler option -c
turn a .c file into an object file
with a .o extension.
If we run
gcc -c game.cwe automatically create a file named game.o. Here we have stumbled on an important point. We can take any .c file and create an object file from it. As we see below, we can then combine those object files into an executable in the Link step. Let's go on with our example. Since we're programming a card game and we have defined a deck of cards as a
, we will write a function to shuffle
the deck. This function takes a pointer to a deck type and loads it with a
random set of values for cards. It keeps track of which cards have already
been used with the 'drawn' array. This array of DECKSIZE members keeps us
from duplicating a card value.
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include "deck.h" static time_t seed = 0; void shuffle(deck_t *pdeck) { /* Keeps track of what numbers have been used */ int drawn[DECKSIZE] = {0}; int i; /* One time initialization of rand */ if(0 == seed) { seed = time(NULL); srand(seed); } for(i = 0; i < DECKSIZE; i++) { int value = -1; do { value = rand() % DECKSIZE; } while(drawn[value] != 0); /* mark value as used */ drawn[value] = 1; /* debug statement */ printf("%i\n", value); pdeck->card[i] = value; } pdeck->dealt = 0; return; }
Save this file as shuffle.c
We have put a debug statement in this code so that
when it runs, it will write out the card numbers it generates.
This doesn't add to the functionality of our program, but it's crucial
right now so that we can see what's happening. Since we're still just
beginning our game, we have no other way to make sure our function is
doing what we want it to. With the printf statement, we can see exactly
what's happening right now so that when we move on to our next phase we
know the deck is well shuffled. After we're satisfied it's working
we can take that line out of our code. This technique to debug programs
seems crude, but it does the trick with a minimum amount of fuss. We will
discuss more sophisticated debuggers later.
has no 'main' function and therefore can't
be made into a stand alone executable. We must combine it with another program
that does have a 'main' and calls the 'shuffle' function.
Run the command
gcc -c shuffle.cand make sure it creates a new file named
Edit the game.c file, and on line 7, after the declaration of
the deck_t variable deck
, add the line
shuffle(&deck);Now, if we try to create an executable the same way as before, we get an error
gcc -o game game.c /tmp/ccmiHnJX.o: In function `main': /tmp/ccmiHnJX.o(.text+0xf): undefined reference to `shuffle' collect2: ld returned 1 exit statusThe compile succeeded because our syntax was correct. The link step failed because we didn't tell the compiler where the 'shuffle' function is located. What's the link and how do we tell the compiler where to find this function?
The linker, ld
, takes the object code created previously by
and turns it into an executable by the command
gcc -o game game.o shuffle.oThis will combine the two objects together and create the executable
The linker finds the shuffle
from the shuffle.o object and includes it in the executable. The real
beauty of object files comes from the fact that if we want to use that function again, all
we only have to include the "deck.h" file and link the shuffle.o
object file into the new executable.
Code reuse like this happens all the time. The we didn't write the
function we called above as a debug statement, the linker
finds it's definition in the file we include with the #include
links to the object code stored in the C library (/lib/libc.so.6).
This way we can use someone else's function that we know works correctly
and worry about solving our own problems.
This is why header files normally contain only the
data and functions definitions, not function bodies. You normally
create object files or libraries for the linker to put into the
A problem could occur with
our code since we did not put any function definitions in our header. What
can we do to make sure everything goes smoothly?
The -Wall
option turns on all kinds of language syntax
warnings to help us make sure that your code is correct and as portable as
When we use that option and compile our code we see something like:
game.c:9: warning: implicit declaration of function `shuffle'This lets us know that we have a little more work to do. We need to put a line in a header file where we tell the compiler all about our
function so it can do the checking it needs to do. It
sounds like a hassle, but it separates the definition from the
implementation and allows us to use our function anywhere just by
including our new header and linking in our object code.
We will put this one line in the deck.h file.
void shuffle(deck_t *pdeck);That will get rid of that warning message.
Another common compiler option is optimization
(i.e. -O2).
This tells the compiler what level of optimization you want. The compiler has a whole
bag of tricks to make your code go just a little bit faster. For a tiny
program like ours you won't notice any difference, but for larger programs
it can speed things up quite a bit. You see it everywhere, so you should
know what it means.
As we all know, just because our code compiles doesn't mean that it works in the way we want it too. You can verify that all the numbers are used just one time by running
game | sort - n | lessand checking that nothing is missing. What do we do if there's a problem? How do we look under the hood and find the error? You can check your code with a debugger. Most distributions provide the classic debugger, gdb. If the command line options overwhelm you like they do me, KDE offers a very nice front-end with KDbg. Other front ends exist, and they are very similar. To start debugging, you choose File->Executable and then find your
When you press the F5 or choose
Execution->Run from the menu, you should see output in a separate
What happens? We don't see anything in the window.
Don't worry, KDbg isn't broken. The problem stems from the fact that we
haven't put any debugging information into the executable, so KDbg can't
tell us what's going on internally. The compiler flag -g
puts the
needed information into the object files. You must compile the object
files (.o extension) with this flag, so the command now becomes
gcc -g -c shuffle.c game.c gcc -g -o game game.o shuffle.oThis puts hooks into the executable that allow gdb and KDbg to figure out what's going on. Debugging is an important skill, it's well worth your time to learn how to use one well. The way debuggers help programmers is the ability to set a 'Breakpoint' in the source code. Try to set one now by right-clicking on the line with the call the the
function. A little red circle
should appear next to that line. Now, when you press F5 the program stops
executing on that line. Press F8 to step into the shuffle
function. Hey, now we're looking at the code from shuffle.c
We can control the execution step by step and see what's really going on. If
you let the arrow hover over a local variable, you will see what it holds.
Sweet. It's a lot better than those printf
statements, isn't
This article presented a whirlwind tour of compiling and debugging C
programs. We discussed the steps the compiler goes through and what
options to pass gcc to make it do those steps. We touched on linking in
shared libraries and ended with an introduction to debuggers.
It takes a lot of work to really know what you're doing, but I hope this
served to start you off on the right foot. You can find more information
in the man
and info
pages for gcc
and ld
Writing code yourself teaches you the most. To practice, you could take the bare beginnings of the card game program in this article and write a blackjack game. Take the time to learn how to use a debugger. It's much easier to start with a GUI one like KDbg. If you add a little bit of functionality at a time, you'll be done before you know it. Remember, keep it running!
Here are some of the things you might need to create a full game.
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